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Top 10 George Bush Quotes

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We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.

When Iraq is liberated, you will be treated, tried, and persecuted as a war criminal.

Sometimes, Washington is one of these towns where the person - people who think they've got the sharp elbow is the most effective person.

I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.

I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right.

For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it.

It's very important for folks to understand that when there's more trade, there's more commerce.

You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.

Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment.

Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods

Lanzada nuevo modelo de portátil Compaq: Presario CQ70

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El nuevo modelo HP Compaq Presario CQ70 está cotizado en $700 dólares y nos ofrece un procesador Intel Pentium T3200 Dual Core a 2GHz, 3GB de memoria RAM DDR2, disco duro de 250GB, vídeo integrado Intel GMA 4500MHD y grabadora de DV. Su pantalla widescreen de 17 pulgadas ofrece resoluciones de hasta 1440 x 900 píxeles.
La Compaq Presario CQ70 incluye cámara web integrada, 802.11abgn red wireless, Ethernet LAN, 56K modem, tres puertos Usb, lector de tarjetas 5-en-1, soporte para ExpressCard y salida VGA.
Si la comparamos con las notebooks Dell o Toshiba de las gamas medias/baratas, está bastante pareja pero ofrece más RAM, buen precio y buenas prestaciones. ¿Qué te parece?

Wifi Solar para extender internet en Brasil

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Agencias - El profesor Marcelo Zuffo, coordinador de Electrónica Interactiva en la Universidad de Sau Paulo, señaló que los prototipos de wi-fi a través de energía solar se están probando en diferentes puntos del campus universitario. Ha sido diseñado para funcionar en un entorno abierto, como un bosque o un parque.
Para utilizar estos puntos de acceso wi-fi de bajo coste basta con desempaquetarlos, y no requieren ningún enchufe ni mantenimiento para ponerlos en marcha. “Es un sistema totalmente autónomo, que no necesita ninguna conexión energética”, explicó el profesor Zuffo en declaraciones a la BBC recogidas por Otr/press. “Todo viene del Sol, y de eso en Brasil tenemos mucho”.
Zuffo cree que este sistema alcanzará gran popularidad en las escuelas que carecen de una fuente fiable de electricidad para alimientar los puntos de acceso y los ordenadores que los estudiantes utilizan para navegar por la red. Actualmente la cobertura de Internet alcanza un máximo de dos días pero su meta es llegar a los 10 días, para hacer frente a las temporadas de lluvia y al invierno.
“Venimos con la idea de que la energía solar es la más abundante y barata, y tratamos de transformarla en bits”, explica Zuffo. Para ello, cuentan con un panel solar, una bateria de motocicleta barata y un circuito, que se encarga de la gestión de la energía. Además, la conexión proviene de diferentes mallas lo que permite a cada comunidad disponer de su propia conexión autónoma.
“El plan es natural para miniaturizar el sistema de manera que podamos ahorrar en costes. Así, al final podremos imaginar dispositivos de wi-fi del tamaño de un móvil”, defiende Zuffo.

Man Farts on Cops

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A West Virginia man who police said passed gas and fanned it toward a patrolman has been charged with battery on a police officer.
Jose A. Cruz, 34, of Clarksburg, was pulled over early Tuesday for driving without headlights, police said. According to the criminal complaint, Cruz smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech and failed three field sobriety tests before he was handcuffed and taken to a police station for a breathalyzer test.
As Patrolman T.E. Parsons prepared the machine, Cruz scooted his chair toward Parsons, lifted his leg and “passed gas loudly,” the complaint said. Cruz, according to complaint, then fanned the gas toward the officer.
“The gas was very odorous and created contact of an insulting or provoking nature with Patrolman Parsons,” the complaint alleged. He was also charged with driving under the influence, driving without headlights and two counts of obstruction.
Cruz acknowledged passing gas, but said he didn’t move his chair toward the officer nor aim gas at the patrolman. He said he had an upset stomach at the time, but police denied his request to go to the bathroom when he first arrived at the station. “I couldn’t hold it no more,” he said.
He also denied being drunk and uncooperative as the police complaint alleged. He added he was upset at being prepared for a breathalyzer test while having an asthma attack. The police statement said he later resisted being secured for a trip to a hospital that he requested for asthma treatment.
Cruz said the officers thought the gas incident was funny when it happened and laughed about it with him. Now that story is a real gas!!!

Lanzada la nueva Acer Aspire 8930

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Aspire 8930 es el nuevo modelo que ha lanzado el fabricante de computadoras Acer, esta portátil tiene una pantalla de 18.4 widescreen pulgadas HD CineCristal que brinda colores intensos y un excelente detalle visual.

 En cuanto a multimedia, nos encontramos con una lectora de Blu-Ray y tarjeta NVIDIA GeForce 9600M y sistema de sonido Dolby Audio. 

Estas son otras especificaciones técnicas:

* Procesador Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 (6MB L2 Cache 2.53 GHz 1066MHz FSB)* 18.4″ WUXGA Acer CrystalBrite TFT LCD (1920 x 1080)* 4GB de memoria RAM DDR3 1066 MHz Dual* NVIDIA GeForce 9700M GT de 512MB* Disco duro de 320GB 7200RPM SATA* Grabador de DVD y Lector Blu-Ray* Lector de tarjetas digitales 6-en-1* Red WiFi 802.11a/g/* Webcam Acer Eye* Windows Vista Ultimate
Precio estimado: $1699.99 dólares